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With the TROPF-BLUMAT SYSTEM, plants can take care of themselves! Only the amount of water actually needed will be supplied, not only during holidays (vacation time) but rather during the whole season. Why? Because Blumat waters better!
Every dripper (every "Tropf-Blumat") with its individual clay cone has its own sensor that is able to sense the level of dryness and respond accordingly- beginning watering when necessary and, after enough moisture has been supplied, independently stopping again.The sensors function without electricity, an automatic watering system is not required, however, a minimum water pressure is required. The typical use in container or small bed cultivation requires the installation of 1 Tropf-Blumat dripper for each growing plant or a minimum of 1-2 drippers per container. Tropf-Blumats are available in two sizes.
Alternatively, the BLUMAT CLASSIC or ‚Blumat for Houseplants‘ functions independently, without pressure or connection to a faucet by suctioning water from an adjacent container of water- the suctioning process is triggered by the dryness of the soil. This alternative is suitable for plants with low water needs, such as houseplants in small pots, because the clay cone is only able to disperse a certain maximum amount of water. By using larger cones or a greater number of Blumat units, the water demands of balcony plants can also be accomodated. It is important, however, that there is always sufficient water in the supply reservoir to maintain an adequate water level in relation to the Blumat cone.
BLUMAT EASY is a clay cone available in two sizes with a universal bottle adapter for connecting to nearly all normal PET bottles. The water-filled bottle supplies the plants for 2-4 days - depending on the size of the bottle and cone - through slow and steady dispersion over the porous clay cone. However, there is no self-regulation, one must observe the plant's watering needs. BLUMAT EASY is designed for the temporary watering of house or balcony plants, especially for the additional watering requirements during the summer or for short-term use alone; the use can be extended by regularly refilling the bottle.
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